"Students simply learn how computer can help them do interesting things, gain the skills and confidence required to teach themselves with the guidance of teacher, the applications to make it happen."
( http://davidwarlick.com/2cents/?p=1954)
After all, It is not the technology itself that we want to teach, it is those standards beyond the tech, such as dispositions in action, the responsibilities and self-assessment strategies that come along with obtaining the skills and knowledge.
So why not require that every student accomplish a significant project as a final assessment? The only requirement would be that it applies to something they are learning or have learned in school, you have to hand it in on a thumb drive or via a URL.And it would be assessed by teacher.
I have tried this in my Mandarin II class. I asked my students to hand in a Mandarin oral project on the topic " Making appointment" as a final assessment for this chapter. They can choose to present it by either integrating technology (whatever medis tools they prefer) into the project or simply playing role-play or drama physically in front of the class. So at the end, 80% of the class chose to embed technology in the project. And the result is quite exciting. Some group uses Voicethread to upload the oral project,, some group prefer make a movie for this project. And they are all fantastic!
In this process of completing the project, students have to discuss about the distribution of the work, making draft, listing down the needed vocabulary, phrases and sentence drills, doing rehearsal, arranging time after school to do recording...and so on. They gain personal growth in how to work as a team, the importance of collaboration and communication, the friendship they have built among the team during this time, the responsibilities in sharing skills and understanding of the knowledge with each other...all these things are necessary to success in this project. And of course, these also apply to those students who prefer present the project physically in front of the class rather than the use of technology information methods. But when they watch their classmates' digital production of the project, they might think of trying it next time, after all their hard work can be displayed beyond the classtime and can be shared with more audiences.